
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Welcome to ClearView Village™
Home of the Circles of School Readiness
  • Families bloom
  • Communities are cultivated and
  • Learning is harvested.

Our Motto: It takes a learning village to raise a school ready child.
ClearView Village is a professional learning community designed specifically to help Head Start and Early Head programs develop game-changing approaches to school readiness.
This is the village where everyone becomes the student: management, the education staff, family services staff, parents, members of the policy groups (policy councils & policy committees) and members of the governing bodies (boards, tribal councils, etc).

Two main questions are most important in the ClearView Village Learning Community:
  1. What do children need to learn to be successfully ready for school?  And,
  2. What do I need to learn to make that happen? 
Are you ready for the InVenture™?  Come, join us on Wednesday, August 1, 2012 as we explore:

The Importance of Mission Clarity to
Head Start Family Engagement

© 2012 AKRA - AC Learning Design Studios


  1. I am thrilled to know that you have started this blog. Just thinking about the 2 main questions in the ClearView Village Learning Community are in themselves game-changing. Even if we can say what children need to learn to be successfully ready for school, often we don't know what we should do to make it happen. Instead, we focus on what the children should do to make it happen. WOW!! Sign me up as a resident of ClearView Village.

    1. Thank you so much for your comment and welcome to the ClearView Village Learning Community.

  2. celestine diggs-smith2:35 PM, July 30, 2012

    Dear Akil:

    I am thrilled at the prospect of joining and participating in the Clear View Learning Community, recognizing the significant social, educational and, in later life, economic benefits for Head Start children and their families; as well as the benefits derived for early childhood and allied professionals in the field. The vision expressed holds the promise of an exciting journey for all. With a community of learners and stakeholders from all walks of life, you are destined to succeed. How brilliant of you!!!!!

    With warm regards,
    Celestine Diggs-Smith

  3. Celestine, thanks for the vote of confidence and welcome to the ClearView Village LC.
