
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Welcome to ClearView Village™
Home of the Circles of School Readiness
  • Families bloom
  • Communities are cultivated and
  • Learning is harvested.

Our Motto: It takes a learning village to raise a school ready child.
ClearView Village is a professional learning community designed specifically to help Head Start and Early Head programs develop game-changing approaches to school readiness.
This is the village where everyone becomes the student: management, the education staff, family services staff, parents, members of the policy groups (policy councils & policy committees) and members of the governing bodies (boards, tribal councils, etc).

Two main questions are most important in the ClearView Village Learning Community:
  1. What do children need to learn to be successfully ready for school?  And,
  2. What do I need to learn to make that happen? 
Are you ready for the InVenture™?  Come, join us on Wednesday, August 1, 2012 as we explore:

The Importance of Mission Clarity to
Head Start Family Engagement

© 2012 AKRA - AC Learning Design Studios